Website was updated on 11/16/2024
Hidden Valley Property Owners' Association
2016 Environmental Reports
Click on the link Below to gain access to the most current Lake Testing results.
2013 Environmental Reports
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2012 Environmental Reports
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2011 Environmental Reports
The results of our testing of the water in Lower Beech Pond for 2016 have been reported by DES. Overall, the quality of the water remains good. While the pH levels are within the desirable range, there has been a good deal of variability over the years. There was one reading (5.99) from the lower depths, that was below the desirable range of 6.5 - 8.0. This will bear watching in the future.
Chloride levels measured were below the state average, but show a gradual but persistent increase over the years. It is unclear just what might be causing this trend, but according to the DES, this measurement can be influenced by pollution from road salt, septic systems, and agricultural (lawn) runoff. Jim Pineo, who clears and sands our roads in the winter, informed us that he does not add salt to his sand mixture other than to add a small amount to keep his sander from freezing up. To keep Lower Beech Pond as pristine as possible, we should all be careful about what goes into our septic systems, what we spread on our driveways, and what we spread on our lawns.
Click on links below to access Environmental Reports.
These reports summarize the results of water testing completed over the past few years.
2017 Water Testing Summary
Click the link below to access the environmental Report
hvpoa Environmental Report 2018.pdf